Higher Cognition & the Cerebellum


Cerebellum has increasingly been recognized for its contributions beyond motor control to higher cognitive functions. Our work focuses on the roles of cerebellum in working memory, i.e., the ability to hold information in short-term memory. We use neuroimaging techniques to examine the structural and functional connectivity of the cerebro-cerebellar pathways for verbal and visual working memory.

Research Output:

  1. Publication: Temporal dynamics of visual working memory.
  2. Publication: Modality specificity in the cerebro-cerebellar neurocircuitry during working memory
  3. Publication: Cerebro-cerebellar pathways for verbal working memory
  4. Publication: Cerebellar Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Impairs Visual Working Memory
  5. Publication: Individual-fMRI-approaches reveal cerebellum and visual communities to be functionally connected in obsessive compulsive disorder
