Part-time Student Assistant Position at CRADLE

Now Open for Applications

The Centre for Research and Development in Learning (CRADLE), led by Principal Investigator Prof. Annabel Chen, is looking to hire several part-time undergraduate research assistants.

You will be part of a dynamic team of researchers who apply multi-modal approaches, including neurocognitive assessments, and neuroimaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to investigate the neurocognitive mechanisms of literacy and numeracy development in young children.

Job Scope

Depending on the study you are assisting in, you might be involved in some of the following activities:

  • Assist with participant recruitment and eligibility screening
  • Assist with behavioural, fNIRS and/or MRI data collection
  • Assist with data coding, maintenance and preprocessing
  • Assist with the translation of research documents
  • Other activities that support the research studies


  • You must be a current undergraduate student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
  • A self-directed learner who is eager to learn about advanced neuroimaging research
  • Prior experience or have interests in working with young children
  • Ability to work on some weekends (for data collection)
  • Previous experience in neurocognitive or neuroimaging research is an advantage
  • Ability to help with translations (i.e. Mandarin, Malay or Tamil) is an advantage


If you are interested in this job opening, please contact:

Research Fellow: Dr. Lynette Looi



